G 711

Crane for to be installed on the flybridge.

Swivel flybridge crane with telescopic estension equipped with pre-wired electro-hydraulic control unit.
Lifting capacity 700 kg and maximum boom length when extended 420 cm. Powder coated stainless steel structure with shaped fiberglass cowling for the base where the control unit hides. Water resistant handheld wired control and manual pump in case of emergency.

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Lifting capacity 700 kg

Lifting capacity 700 kg

Hydraulic slewing crane with telescopic boom• Lifting Capacity 700 kg• Powder coated stainless steel structure• Molded fi berglass cowling for base and arm• Hydraulic movement for rotation, boom extension,luffing and hoisting cable• Slewing 180° ÷ 270°• Counterweight with rubber inserts for cable tension• Manual retaining system for cable weight whilst cruising• Water resistant handheld wired control• Manual pump for emergency• Warning buzzer signals when crane is in motion• Hydraulic power pack concealed inside the fiberglass base cowling.