Compact sea water cooled – Magnum

Isotherm Magnum uses the surrounding water to increase cooling efficiency. All Magnum models are fitted with integral seawater pumps for circulating the cooling water through the cooling section of the refrigerator compressor.

My Advantages

  • Fridge or Freezer use
  • 12/24 V Danfoss/Secop compressor
  • Universal kit AC/DC optional for a complete power supply compatibility (12/24 V, 230/115 V and 50/60 Hz)
  • Self-priming sea water pump to ensure extra high efficiency for tropical applications
  • Variable speed water pump according to the temperature of condenser.
Technical details

Technical details

Model Evaporator Dimensions EvaporatorL x W x H Max. Box Volume Fridge Max. Box Volume Freezer Compressor type
Magnum 2505 Large-O 380 x 140 x 270 200 66 BD50F
Magnum 2511 Flat 815 x 210 170 56 BD50F
Magnum 2512 Flat 1200 x 190 200 66 BD50F
Magnum 2513 Flat 1000 x 270 260 86 BD50F
Magnum 2507 Large – Flat 1370 x 300 400 133 BD50F
Magnum 2607 Jumbo-Flat 1370 x 300 425 141 BD80F
Magnum 2609 Jumbo-Flat 1500 x 460 600 200 BD80F