Bumper 1/2

The Bumper is a really efficient fender, to be fixed on the pontoon ; according to its location, it provides efficient protection to the bow and amidships.
Suitable for all pontoon or catway shapes : square or round end pontoon.
Sturdy construction, from rotomoulded PVC, UV-ray protected.
Registered design.

Max. pressure : 0.10 bar / 1.45 psi.



Ref. Model Dimensions
38558 Bumper 1/2 standard, WHITE Ø 18 x 40 cm
39358 Bumper 1/2 standard, BLUE Ø 18 x 40 cm
66399 Bumper 1/2 standard, GREY Ø 18 x 40 cm
38068 Bumper 1/2 standard, WHITE Ø 25 x 90 cm
39356 Bumper 1/2 standard, BLUE Ø 25 x 90 cm
51025 Bumper 1/2 standard, GREY Ø 25 x 90 cm
39362 Bumper 1/2, Foam-filled, WHITE Ø 25 x 90 cm


 BUMPER 1/2, standard  BUMPER 1/2, foam-filled 
Model White Blue Grey White
Ø 18 x 40 cm 38558 39358 66399
Ø 25 x 90 cm 38068 39356   – 39362